Friday, October 8, 2010

Week in review

We've officially started using The Story of the World V1 for history and we looove it! We do history every other day and science the days we don't do history. We started out studying what history and archaeology are and the kids each started writing their own person history. It was fun looking through their baby books to recall details of their birth and events through the years. We are also studying the Nomads and first farmers in the Fertile Crescent. Kayli has started working on building a hut in the backyard which should take a while to complete since she wants to clear the ground first. I was expecting a little hut the size of a stuffed animal but she had different plans. This should be interesting to watch.
For science we are studying plant and animal cells and making a cell lapbook . I am so amazed at how much information you can find online. Carson is really into this since he absolutely loves science. Every night while Jared is studying he sits and reads some of the material with Carson or watches videos of the body and how it works. I think we may have our own Doogie Howser (If you are old enough to know who that is :).
Of course Friday is our art and music day so we are listening to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata while doing a fall leaf project. After that we will do some cave paintings to finish off the Nomad Unit and get ready for Ancient Egypt. We have finally had a week where I wasn't stressing to find material and could just enjoy teaching and learning with the kids. (sigh)

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