Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thank you Mr. Postman

We just got our Teaching Textbook 3 in the mail and the kids love it! I love it too because I have more time to focus on other subjects and the kids are getting the review they so desperately needed before moving on to harder math topics. I noticed that Kayli was really behind when I started homeschooling her and missing a few key points makes a huge difference in math. I started reviewing basic concepts and using a lot of manipulatives with both she and Carson. They are finally catching on and I think the teaching textbooks cd's will continue to help them progress. There are so many things that I didn't realize about my kids when they went to public school. I'm not saying that homeschooling is for everyone but it has made a huge difference in the relationships I have with my kids and I am more aware of their strengths and weaknesses. I had no idea why Kayli struggled so much in math until I brought her home and started teaching her myself. In a classroom full of kids it's hard to focus on one at a time and lots of things slip through the cracks. Kayli used to dread going to school and homework was a nightmare. Now she loves learning and that is really important to me. My love of learning has grown as well. I am so grateful for my kids!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

my oldest will be trying teaching textbooks next school year. She is currently using Life of Fred but we will be getting teaching textbooks for free. I hope its good!